Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Santa Monica

Last weekend Jared and I got to take a quick trip over to Santa Monica to visit jared's sister and her family. We don't get to see them as much as we'd like, so it was great! and I think the last time we drove to their place was about 2 years ago...kinda sad! We didn't get any pictures, sorry!
It was a lot of fun!! We didn't do a whole lot of activites, mostly just hung out and played with the kids, but it was a blast. little Megan (who really isn't so little anymore) is such a creative little girl. She's also very energetic and determined, I had a lot of fun doing 'projects' with her! and Kyle is the cutest little man ever, that kids smile is heart melting!
We did get to go to a cool Soda Shop with tons and tons of different sodas....i got 2, and i picked them out by the label, they're pretty funny. I'll have to snap a picture of them later. We also went to Benihana together and it was super yummy and hilarious to watch Megan's reaction to the 'live action' cooking.
It was a good trip, thanks for letting us come bug you for a weekend Julie! Hopefully when they move we won't have to drive 6 hours to see them....aka....move to az!!! ;)


Krause Crew said...

Thanks for coming to visit. I loved having you guys even if we didn't do a lot.

Unknown said...

its best just to just enjoy the company and have fun with the kids when you drive that far for just a weekend. when you have more time you can do a bunch of "stuff" lol!
i don' think i ever told you how much i love the picture of you and jared on your header.
thanks for stopping by my blog also.
it was scary watching her leave in the helicopter!