25 Years...you old man! ;) I'm sorry you have to spend your day at school in classes you hate, but happy birthday anyways!! I loves loves LOVE you! Seriously I could go on forever and ever, but here's 25 reasons that you ROCK my socks!
hot dogs and sno-cones...oh how you get me!
your knowledge and testimony of the gospel
i never have to ask you to help clean or cook, you are amazing
back massages, foot massages, heaven!
you is my baby daddy :O
the fact that you want Rainbow Chip Birthday Cake because you know how much I love it!!
you watch The Bachelor with me
67 Camaro
that you served a mission and sent me tapes ALL the time!
you don't make fun of me when you catch me twirling
you are ALWAYS willing to help people out
you hate Twilight, but you still go to the movies with me
Lemon-Berry Slushes
that you Hold, Honor, and Practice the Priesthood in our home
playing with the kids = happiness
your passion for all things cycling
hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, backpacking
your Family is AWESOME!
you always say exactly what you mean
taking me to the Temple
Big, giant, huge, massive HEART...even if you pretend you don't :)
the amazing dad that i know you will be....can't wait!!!!
XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX....i feel lame because there is no way possible for me to ever really explain how much I love you and how much my life has been blessed with you in it! But i know you know it....in my best Harry Potter accent 'Happy Birthday Jared'!