Monday, November 15, 2010
back with a vengeance!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Rice Cereal, YUM!
Sitting Up!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
4 Months
Thursday, October 7, 2010 love...
knowing that he couldn't have the toy
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tale as Old as Time

Monday, September 20, 2010
a long time coming

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Birth Day
6-12-2010 at 12:37am
The Story - warning, it might be pretty long :)
On Thursday, June 10th, Jared and I got to the hospital pretty late at night, around 10:30, so my labor could be induced. After some paperwork and settling into our room, they finally started my labor officially around 1am, on Friday June 11th. They started me by using this gel that goes on the cervix and it's supposed to soften and thin it out so that things start progressing...typically they do 3 rounds of the gel, but they ended up doing 4 on me, because my stupid body just didn't want to cooperate.
Mckernan came in ad decided that he needed to come out asap, so he busted out the vaccuum. He got the vacuum on and seriously started pulling SO hard, it was a little freaky looking! He finally got the little man's head and shoulders out and told me to pull him the rest of the way out. So I reached down, grabbed the little slimy dude and plopped him on my chest. It was a HUGE mix of emotions, but i have never been so tired in my life! Kaleb came out on June 12 just after midnight at 12:37am, rocking out to some Led Zeppelin music!
I was in labor for almost 24 hours, had 2 pretty bad tears and plenty of stitches, but it was all worth it. Kaleb had a serious conehead and a nasty war wound from the vacuum...seriously the pictures below don't do it justice. He had some fluid in his lungs, so they had to take him to the nursery. We didn't get into our recovery room until almost 3am, and I barely got to see my little guy. They finally brought him around 4:30, and until we left the hospital on Sunday I don't think i got any sleep. It was the craziest few days, but the best at the same time. I had an amazing husband who supported me the whole time. It's truly amazing having this sweet little guy finally out and being parents!!
Super Tired, but trying to put on a happy face
you can see where the vacuum was at...poor guy
another shot of the battle scars
one happy and super tired family
1 day old, and so ready to go home!
Monday, May 24, 2010
the Final Countdown....
So really, the countdown begins on Thursday, we have another appt. and we will be getting the date that i will be induced. Sounds kind of funny actually, getting told the day your baby will be born :) I was very positive in the beginning of my pregnancy that i would be going into labor naturally, aka, no inducing for this much for that! :) I will admit, i was a little dissapointed to hear that I would for sure be getting induced, but I have an amazing doctor who I trust completely. And honestly I really do not want to be forced into a c-section if i can avoid it. Whatever is best for me and the little man is what I'm going with!
It's very exciting, but also a little annoying....seriously I can't WAIT for thursday! I can't believe i'm going to get to meet this little guy soon. I have been so blessed with such a wonderful pregnancy, and Jared and I are SO ready to be parents officially!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
hApPy BiRtHdAy Mr.T
Saturday, April 10, 2010
whoa baby!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Charlotte's Web
I am sitting at my desk and out of the corner of my eye i see a tiny, little, baby spider floating down from the ceiling. I started to watch it make it's descent when i noticed 2 more little spiders making their way toward my desktop. I had a flash back of Charlotte's Web, when after Charlotte dies, 3 of her daughters float down and start talking to Wilbur....
They were holding on to their little web string swaying all over the place, and it took them a while to finally land safely on my desk. As soon as they were on the flat surface, I SMASHED them!! Cruel?? I think not! Needless to say these little spiders did not talk to me in sweet voices and they were NOT cute happy girl spiders with big eyelashes.
Hopefully whoever their momma was, didn't have as many babies as Charlotte, if so, I am finding a new office!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
We got the crib in, and Yup, we ordered it from Walmart (k-mart) haha.....Anyways, that comes as a big shock to me, because my hubby HATES that place!! After some price convincing and reading tOnS of reviews, I got him on board. He set it up the day it came in, and it looks great, it's very sturdy, and was priced wonderfully for my taste/budget. I just couldn't justify spending 400 bones on a crib...yowsa! So here's the picture and it'll be awhile before there is any bedding on it.
#2 Third Trimester!!
I am officially on the last third of my pregnancy and it so exciting that I have less than 90 days on my little ticker! It has felt like it's gone by pretty fast so far and I'm hoping that trend stays. I started feeling pretty tired since about a week and a half ago and I'm sure that will only progress. I had my last monthly appt. today and then it's down to every two weeks!
My favorite things have been:
*The ongoing pregnancy excuse to do whatever I want :)
*My ability to continue working without any preggo related issues
*Feeling little man do his warm ups in the morning
*Watching my belly move around all weird like!
*How just the thought of all the different things coming up in our lives have really strengthened Jared and I as husband and wife
*Ultrasounds and Dopplers at my appointments
*All the cute boy clothes
*How amazing my husband has been to me for the last 6 months and how excited he is to be a dad!
*Dreaming about this great little guy that I can't wait to snuggle and kiss and spoil!
The not-so wonderful things: (but they're worth it!)
*horrid back pain
*the ridiculous leg cramps from hell that strike at 1am!!!
*my boobs are getting huge and not in a good way!
*swollen feet by about 4pm :(
*1 million+ bathroom trips a day
*headaches, oh the headaches
*strange people at the grocery store that feel inclined to rub my ever growing bump!
Yep, pregnancy has it's ups and downs, but I really have enjoyed it all, just thinking about holding that little man in my arms in less that 3 months makes it all so SO worth it!!
28 weeks! Yes that is a pile of laundry in the background that i ignored for 3 days, and Yes, those are Jared's pajama pants!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday = Friday!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
SPRING break?
It gets better tho, in an attempt to save the district money, they usually make it mandatory to take Friday's off during these week long no school periods. This does not mean they give us a paid day off on means if we don't want to use a vacation day we must work 4, 10 hour days, and boy do I love working for 10 hours :) I was not made to work for ten hours at a time...ever!
Jared on the other hand, loves the idea of working longer hours if you get an longer weekend....I wish we could switch this week.....But I am glad he gets a week off of school, he deserves a break even though I know he won't give himself anytime to relax. that is just how the man operates. I love my dear sweet husband, I do not understand his constant need to be doing something, but I am thankful for him and all the things he does. I can pretty much guarantee that during his week 'off' he will finish any school assignments possible, he will study alot. Our house will be ridiculously clean. He will do more yardwork than normal. He will go grocery shopping. He will do all the laundry that I ignored this last weekend. He will work on projects that have been ignored lately, like hanging up pictures, cleaning out the garage and i'm sure he will put the crib together. And when i get home from my 10 hour work days he will give me back rubs and listen to me complain about how horrible my day was.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
black & white
Sunday, February 14, 2010
going green
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The biggest question people are asking lately is, 'Have you thought of any names?'...Have I? Of course I have, I think of names ALL the time, it is actually driving me nuts, I didn't realize naming a person would be so difficult! We do have a small list formulating for now, but i'm sure it will change so I am not going to share it yet. I can guarantee that he won't have a name until he is out and screaming his head off, that will be the moment that I know just what to call him :) or at least shortly after, but I promise we won't leave the hospital with just a 'Baby Boy Tieman'
We have been working on what the Nursery is going to look like, we've decided to take advantage of my energy and willingness to work now, so we will be painting shortly. Coming up with a color scheme was pretty difficult, but what do you know, it's mostly GREEN! I will definitely post pictures when we are done.
The little guy is doing great, still growing and moving more every day. Everytime we go to an appointment, they tell me the same thing, 'He is SO active!' trust me people I know, I can feel him moving around like crazy. I'm hoping this is a trend he will discontinue after birth......
Jared and I are doing well, he is fully engaged in his schooling again, so our schedules are wacky once more. We are definitely keeping busy and don't get to see each other nearly as much as we'd like, but it is nice to be busy when you are making progress toward goals we've had for sometime. I'm sure when his schooling is over, we'll look back at it like everything else, thinking it went by so fast!
That is it for now everyone, I'll be sure to post again when something exciting happens!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Popcorn Popping
Sometimes I'll be sitting at my desk at work and I'll start cracking up when he starts at it. I don't know why, I just think it's the neatest, weirdest thing and it makes me laugh. People are beginning to think i'm crazy i'm sure. I don't care, I am enjoying every second of this pregnancy, even the hairy belly and crazy back aches!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010
It's a.......
